You’ve been dreaming of a cosmetic procedure or two to help you look and feel your very best. With summer right around the corner and vacation time presenting the perfect opportunity to heal before heading back to work or school, now’s the time to get to get your procedure on the calendar.
Some of the most popular procedures this time of year include liposuction, breast augmentation, and tummy tucks. Getting on the calendar early guarantees you can show off your new look before summer comes to an end.
Breast Augmentation
Whether your breasts have changed shape from pregnancy, you’ve lost weight or you’ve always had small or asymmetrical breasts, you’re ready to have the breasts you’ve always dreamed of having. Breast augmentation helps so many women feel more confident. It is a surgery that has been done safely for over 35 years. You can select the size and shape of your breasts and during your consultation may even be able to see your chosen breasts on your body if you work with a surgeon who offers Vectra 3D imaging as part of the consultation. You’ll be able to get out within a day or two of surgery though should avoid sports for a few weeks.
Liposuction permanently removes fat and improves the contours of the body. Targeted areas include under the chin, the upper arms and armpits, male chest/breasts, trunk, the abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, inner knees, calves, and ankles.
Very often liposuction is done in tandem with other procedures, though not always. For instance, if you’ve lost significant weight, you may require liposuction along with a tummy tuck to smooth out and give greater contour to the hips and abdomen.
Even if you haven’t had significant weight loss, you may have areas around the waist and hips that simply do not respond to diet and exercise. In this case, liposuction could solve the problem, giving you a greater degree of definition in the abdominal area, around the waist and the hips.
Healing after liposuction occurs in stages. Generally you will go home in a first stage compression garment or tape covering the treated areas. After soreness decreases, a second stage garment is worn for an additional three to four weeks. Total compression time is approximately one month to help reduce swelling. Initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral medication. Any bruising and swelling usually subsides in two to four weeks. The final result takes shape over two to three months and the final contours may not be evident for as long as six month.
Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty
Stubborn belly fat that has refused to budge with strict dieting and exercise programs or skin that has lost its elasticity due to previous surgeries, years of yo-yo dieting or pregnancy can best be removed with either a mini-tummy tuck or full abdominoplasty. With either the mini- or full abdominoplasty my patients usually take no pain medication and can get back to their regular activity quickly.
Whatever procedure you have been dreaming about, you will want to have an in-depth consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. I always recommend getting referrals from people you know who’ve had work done that you admire. Schedule two or three consultations and work only with the surgeon that understands your goals and demonstrates this understanding during the consultation. Working with a surgeon who offers Vectra 3D Imaging will help you see the most likely end results of your procedure.
The decision to have cosmetic surgery is an important one, and choosing a doctor to transform your dreams into reality is a critical step in your decision-making process. Summer is a popular time for the most popular procedures. Select your surgeon carefully and get on the calendar a quickly as you can to look and feel your best before the summer ends.